Math Functions


Modulus in technetium always gives a non-negative result. So, for example:

print(-2 % 3)

will print 1, since -2 is equivalent to 1 mod 3.

Numeric Functions

[trigonometric function]([float or int])  [float]

Available trigonometric functions are [sin, cos, tan, arcsin, arccos, arctan]

abs([float or int])  [float or int]

Returns the absolute value of its argument

sqrt([float or int])  [float]

Returns the square root of its argument

exp([float or int])  [float]

Returns e to the power of its argument

ln([float or int])  [float]

Returns the natural logarithm of its argument

Random Functions

rand()  [float]

Returns a random floating point number between 0 and 1

rand_range([float or int], [float or int])  [float or int]

Returns a random number between it’s first argument, and up to but not including its second argument

rand_normal(mean:[float or int]?, stdev:[float or int]?)  [float]

Returns a randomly sampled number in the normal distribution of a given mean and standard deviation (or 0 and 1 respectively if not given)